Training classes.
Know-how for those eager to learn.


State-of-the-art training facilities and experienced lecturers. At every location, this combination ensures our ability to teach both the fundamentals as well as more in-depth expert knowledge about heat treatment, hardening technology, and coatings.



This service is not just available to our trainees and staff. Our know-how is also available to our customers and partners. For a decisive knowledge advantage in your daily work.


Our training classes have a modular structure. The modules begin with a general introduction on the basics of heat treatment and the structure of the standards, and they end with training units containing special resources for different process technologies.


We offer the following training classes at our Weissenburg, Tübingen and Boxtel locations:

Training classesLocationsmax. participants
Basics of heat treatmentWeissenburg 18
Basics of heat treatmentTübingen 16
Basics of heat treatmentBoxtel


Are you interested in our training classes?

Then don't hesitate. Select the training you want and register for the training date that suits you.
You will receive a return confirmation after we receive your registration.


Are you interested in our training classes?

Then don't hesitate. Select the training you want and register for the training date that suits you.
You will receive a return confirmation after we receive your registration.

Our Training classes

HÄNDLE Härterei GmbHRittweg 4572070 TübingenGermanyLearn more
HÄNDLE Härterei GmbHRittweg 4572070 TübingenGermanyLearn more
HÄRTHA – WEISSENBURG GmbH Dettenheimer Strasse 2891781 WeissenburgGermanyLearn more
HÄRTHA – WEISSENBURG GmbH Dettenheimer Strasse 2891781 WeissenburgGermanyLearn more
SABO BOXTEL BVStaarten 95281 PK BoxtelNetherlandsLearn more